Purpose: |
Display a table in a grid format. Use an existing VisualNEO for Windows Rectangle object to serve as host for the grid. You can customize the appearance of the grid using dbpSetGridProperties, dbpSetGridBackground, dbpSetFieldProperties, dbpSetColumnTitles, dbpSetColumnWidths and dbpSetRowHeight. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpShowGrid "database id" "table" "rectangle" database id The name assigned to the database containing the table you want to display. table The name of the table to display. rectangle The name of an existing VisualNEO for Windows Rectangle object. The Rectangle will serve as a host for the table grid. Use VisualNEO for Windows's Tool Palette to create a Rectangle object on the page in your publication where you want the grid to appear. After executing dbpShowGrid, the grid will appear within the boundaries of the Rectangle object. The grid is only visible when the publication is running. Rectangle object before dbpShowGrid: Rectangle object after dbpShowGrid: |
Example: |
dbpShowGrid "AddrBook" "Contacts" "Rectangle1" |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Remove a grid previously displayed with the dbpShowGrid action. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpHideGrid "database id" "table" database id The name assigned to the database containing the table. table The name of the table whose grid you want to hide. |
Example: |
dbpHideGrid "AddrBook" "Contacts" |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Customize the visual appearance and behavioral properties of a grid. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpSetGridProperties "database id" "table" "properties" database id The name assigned to the database containing the table. table The name of the table whose grid you want to customize. properties This is a compound parameter and can contain any combination of the following items:
Separate multiple items in a compound variable with semicolons (;). Because of the large number of options, it is recommended that you use the wizard provided for the dbpSetGridProperties Action. |
Example: |
dbpSetGridProperties "AddrBook" "Contacts" "Color=White;AlternateRowColor=Silver" dbpShowGrid "AddrBook" "Contacts" "Rectangle1" |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Specify an image to serve as the grid's background. The background image will override the background color settings specified in dbpSetGridProperties. If the image is smaller than the grid, it will be tiled. To restore the grid's normal appearance, leave the file name parameter blank. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpSetGridBackground "database id" "table" "image file" database id The name assigned to the database. table The name of the table. image file The name of the image file to use as the grid's background. Supported image formats are bmp, gif, tiff, png and jpeg. Leave this parameter blank to clear the background image. |
Example: |
dbpSetGridBackground "AddrBook" "Contacts" "C:\Images\PolishedSteel.png" |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Define the formatting and edit properties of a field. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpSetFieldProperties "database id" "table" "field" "properties" database id The name assigned to the database. table The name of the table containing the field you want to modify. field The name of the field to modify. properties This is a compound parameter and can contain any combination of the following items:
Separate multiple items in a compound variable with semicolons (;). |
Example: |
dbpSetFieldProperties "MySQL" "Table1" "[ListBox6]" "Alignment=Left;TitleAlignment=Left; PickList=Apple,Orange,Cherry,Grape,Pear,Strawberry; DropDownRows=7;EditMask=;ValidChars=;ColumnWidth=30;ReadOnly=No;Visible=Yes" |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Returns the name of the field in the grid that is highlighted or active. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpGetActiveField "database id" "table" "variable" database id The name assigned to the database. table The name of the table. variable The name of the variable where the name of the active field will be stored. |
Example: |
dbpGetActiveField "AddrBook" "Contacts" "[SelField]" If "[SelField]" ">" "" dbpSort "AddrBook" "Contacts" "[SelField] ASC" EndIf |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Customize the titles that appear at the top of each column in a grid. A grid contains one vertical column for each field in the table. By default, the column titles are the same as the field names, which can sometimes be a little cryptic. You can use this action to change only the column titles without affecting the names of the fields. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpSetColumnTitles "database id" "table" "titles" database id The name assigned to the database. table The name of the table. titles A list containing the original field name, an equal sign and the title to be assigned to each column. Separated multiple items with a semicolon character (;). For example, the column titles for a table containing six fields (FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) might look like this: "FIRSTNAME=First Name;LASTNAME=Last Name;STREET=Street;CITY=City;STATE=State;ZIP=Postal Code" It is not necessary to include every field in the list. You can shorten the action by including only the field's that you want to change. Field's not in the list will retain their existing column titles. For example: "FIRSTNAME=First Name;LASTNAME=Last Name;ZIP=Postal Code" |
Example: |
dbpSetColumnTitles "AddrBook" "Contacts" "FirstName=First Name;LastName=Last Name;State=State/Prov;Zip=Postal Code" |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Specify the order in which columns/fields appear in the grid. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpSetColumnOrder "database id" "table" "field list" database id The name assigned to the database. table The name of the table. field list A list of the field names in the order you want them to appear in the grid. Each field name must be separated by a semicolon character (;). You can hide a field by omitting its name from the list. |
Example: |
dbpSetColumnOrder "AddrBook" "Contacts" "LastName;FirstName;Company;City;Street;State;Zip;Country;Telephone;EMail; WebSite;Comments" |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Set the width of each column/field in the grid. If you have enabled the AllowColumnResize option in dbpSetGridProperties, you can combine this action with dbpGetColumnWidths to save and restore changes users make to grid columns. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpSetColumnWidths "database id" "table" "field list" database id The name assigned to the database. table The name of the table. field list A list containing the original field name, an equal sign and the width (in pixels) to be assigned to each column. Separated multiple items with a semicolon character (;). This is the same format returned by dbpGetColumnWidths. For example, the column with for a table containing six fields (FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP) might look like this: "FIRSTNAME=50;LASTNAME=50;STREET=120;CITY=25;STATE=30;ZIP=35" It is not necessary to include every field in the list. You can shorten the action by including only the field's that you want to change. Field's not in the list will retain their existing column widths. For example: "FIRSTNAME=50;LASTNAME=50;STATE=30" |
Example: |
dbpSetColumnWidths "AddrBook" "Contacts" "FirstName=90;LastName=90;Company=90;Street=150;City=90;State=90;Zip=90; Country=90;Telephone=90;EMail=90;WebSite=90;Comments=350" |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Get the width of each column/field in the grid. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpGetColumnWidths "database id" "table" "variable" database id The name assigned to the database. table The name of the table. variable The name of the variable where the column widths will be stored. The variable format will be identical to that used by the dbpSetColumnWidths action. |
Example: |
dbpGetColumnWidths "AddrBook" "Contacts" "[ColWidths]" |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Set the height of all rows in the grid. Use dbpGetRowHeight to obtain the default row height. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpSetRowHeight "database id" "table" "height" database id The name assigned to the database. table The name of the table. height The height (in pixels) for all rows in the grid. |
Example: |
dbpSetRowHeight "AddrBook" "Contacts" "26" |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Obtain the height of a single grid row. All rows in the grid are the same height, so only one number is returned. If you have enabled the AllowRowResize option in dbpSetGridProperties, this action can be combined with dbpSetRowHeight to save and restore changes to the row height made by users during the execution of your publication. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpGetRowHeight "database id" "table" "variable" database id The name assigned to the database. table The name of the table. variable The name of the variable where the row height will be stored. |
Example: |
dbpGetRowHeight "AddrBook" "Contacts" "[RowHeight]" |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Obtain the width and height of the grid's client/display area. This information can be useful for calculating column widths and row heights. The client area includes the display portion of the grid excluding the indicator column and the scroll bars. Note: Settings applied to the grid with dbpSetGridProperties will be considered when calculating the client width and height. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpGetGridClientInfo "database id" "table" "width variable" "height variable database id The name assigned to the database. table The name of the table. width variable The name of the variable where the grid's client width will be stored. height variable The name of the variable where the grid's client height will be stored. |
Example: |
dbpGetGridClientInfo "AddrBook" "Contacts" "[cw]" "[ch]" |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Identify a field from one table to be used as an input source for a field in another table. When editing in grid mode, a field that has been assigned a value list will function like a combo box allowing the user to select list items from a drop down window. This is similar to the dbpSetGridProperties' PickList option except that the contents of the list are derived from the contents of another table. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpDefineValueList "database id" "main table" "edit field" "list table" "data field" "display field" database id The name assigned to the database. main table The name of the main table containing the field to be edited. edit field The name of the field in the main table to receive input from the value list. list table The name of the table containing the field to be used as the source of the value list. data field The field in the source table containing the actual data that will be input into the edit field. display field The field or fields in the source table to be displayed in the value list combo box. This can be the same as the data field or a different field. Separate multiple display fields with semicolons (;). |
Example: |
The following example defines the contents of the States table as a value list for the State field of the Contacts table: dbpDefineValueList "AddrBook" "Contacts" "State" "States" "Abbr" "Name" When editing the Contacts table in grid mode, clicking on the State field will automatically display a list of states drawn from the contents of the States table: |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |
Purpose: |
Display a popup window containing a list of lookup items derived from a field in a table. This action is similar to dbpDefineValueList above, except that it does not require a grid. The popup value list can be used anywhere allowing the user to select list items from a drop down window. The selected item is stored in a variable. |
Category: |
Grids |
Syntax: |
dbpPopupValueList "database id" "list table" "data field" "display field" "properties" "variable" database id The name assigned to the database. list table The name of the table containing the field to be used as the source of the value list. data field The field in the source table containing the actual data that will be stored in the variable. display field The field or fields in the source table to be displayed in the popup window. This can be the same as the data field or a different field. Separate multiple display fields with semicolons (;). properties This is a compound parameter and can contain any combination of the following items:
Separate multiple items in a compound variable with semicolons (;). |
Example: |
The following example displays a list of state names (display field) from the States table: dbpPopupValueList "AddrBook" "States" "Abbr" "Name" "Left=216;Top=160;Width=96;RowCount=15" "[AddrBook.Contacts.State]" The returned value will be the corresponding value from the Abbr field (data field). For example, if the user selects "California" from the popup list, the value stored in the variable will be "CA". |
SQL Equivalent: |
N/A |